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Download your raw stats

Understand how to use our raw data downloads and reporting template.

Detailed instructions

In the CMS, navigate to the 'Stats' section and find the "Raw stats" menu link.

On this page, you'll see various download buttons based on your platform's features. Everyone can download anonymized 'raw' member data and anonymized 'raw' activity data. If your platform includes timebanking or volunteering features, you can also download anonymized timebank exchange data and volunteering hours data.

Just click or tap on the 'download' button, and the system will create a spreadsheet (.xlsx format) for your data.

Keep in mind that, for now, we can only offer raw stats for certain tables, but we plan to add more download options in the future.

Please note that these downloads don't include all the data we have on the data table. We only provide data that's safe to download, which means it doesn't contain any personally identifiable information.

Important: To ensure accurate reporting for specific time periods, download the raw data tables on the last day of the desired date range.

For instance, if you're preparing quarterly reports, download the raw data on the last day of that quarter.

For more details about the data included in these downloads and our report template, refer to the following sections:

Download the template

Download our report template to help you quickly generate insights from your raw user and activity data. You will need to follow a few set up steps, please watch our handy set up video.

Report template V1 (User and activity data).xlsx

Added 13-10-2023 by Philip
  Sign in to download

Raw user data:

Column name Data type Description
User id Number Unique user ID
Last profile update Timestamp Date and time user last updated their profile
Platform id Number Your platform's identification code
Registered date Timestamp Date and time user registered
Account type Text Users account type (key)
Sub-account parent Number Unique user ID of parent account - can be used to identify if user in column A is a sub-account.
User is activated Boolean Value is either 1 or 0. 1 means the user has activated their account (via welcome email), 0 means user hasn't.
Email shows on profile Boolean Value is either 1 or 0. 1 means the user has chosen to share their account email address on their profile page, 0 means user hasn't.
Social sharing allowed Boolean Value is either 1 or 0. 1 means the user has chosen to display social sharing buttons on their profile, 0 means user hasn't.
Selected language Text Value is two code language option e.g. 'en' means english, 'fr' means french. Most platforms only have one language (english) which is the default.
Last login date Timestamp Date and time user last logged in.
Completed profile Boolean Value is either 1 or 0. 1 means the user has completed their profile, 0 means user hasn't. 'Completed' is defined as having added a profile picture and title.
Last action timestamp Timestamp Date and time user last completed an action on the platform. Examples of an 'action' include; user updating their profile, logging volunteer hours, completing an exchange.
Credit balance
(Specific platforms only)
Number Displays a user's current timebank credit balance. This will only show up on platforms with the Timebank feature enabled.
Registered for Timebank
(Specific platforms only)
Boolean Value is either 1 or 0. 1 means the user has applied to join the timebank, 0 means user hasn't. This will only show up on platforms with the Timebank feature enabled without a member approval process.
Approved for Timebank
(Specific platforms only)
Timestamp Date and time admin approved a user for the Timebank. This will only show up on platforms with the Timebank feature enabled without a member approval process.
Declined for Timebank
(Specific platforms only)
Boolean Value is either 1 or 0. 1 means the user's application to join the timebank has been declined, 0 means user hasn't been declined. This will only show up on platforms with the Timebank feature enabled without a member approval process.
Newsletter - opt in
(Specific platforms only)
Boolean Value is either 1 or 0. 1 means the user has opted in to the platform newsletter, 0 means user hasn't. This will only show up on platforms paying for the mailchimp integration.
Latest activities email - opt in Boolean Value is either 1 or 0. 1 means the user has opted into the 'lastest activity digest' email, 0 means user hasn't. This will only show up on platforms paying for this feature.
Best match activities email - opt in Boolean Value is either 1 or 0. 1 means the user has opted into the 'lastest activity digest' email, 0 means user hasn't. This will only show up on platforms paying for this feature.

Raw activity data:

Column name Data type Description
Activity id Number Unique activity ID
Activity title Text Title of activity
Type of activity Text Activity type key
User ID Number Unique user ID of the activity creator
Platform ID Number Your platform's identification code
Status of activity Number Value is between 0 - 6:
  • Live = 0
  • Pending = 1
  • Draft = 2
  • Expired = 3
  • Deleted = 4
  • Reported = 5
  • Ended = 6
Activity url Text URL path of activity page. To visit page you'd need to add this path after your platform domain e.g. ""
Activity published date Timestamp Date administrator made this activity live.
Activity set to expire Timestamp Date activity is set to expire.
Activity created on  Timestamp Date activity was created.
Last activity update Timestamp Date and time that an activity was last updated.
Number of views Number Count of times the activity page has been visited (page loaded by a browser - not unique per user).

Next page: Set up Google Tag Manager

Get in touch

Would you like to save your progress?

Note: Saving as a draft means your activity will be available for you to edit in your dashboard.​

Selecting delete marks your activity as deleted in your dashboard.​

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