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Manage members

Watch this to see how to conduct a variety of searches to obtain stats and information about members.

Understand how to edit member profiles and their Best Match tags.

Find members:

  1. Sign into your platform.
  2. Type /CMS after the platform URL.
  3. Use the left-hand menu to select 'Member management'.
  4. Select 'Search all members'.
  5. Filter members by the quick links at the top of the search page.
  6. Search for a specific member using keywords.
  7. Use the eye icon to view a profile page on the platform.
  8. Use the cog icon to open the CMS settings page for the member.
  9. Use the bin icon to move a member to the deleted members area.

To edit a member:

  1. Use the cog icon on the right of a member to open the 'edit settings' page.
  2. Make changes to the user's name, username or email if required.
  3. Change the user's 'account type' or administratation access by the 'user role' options.
  4. Approve the user for the timebank and/or provide notes to other admins about the member by the 'admin notes' box.
  5. Edit the user's public information, including name, description and photos if required.
  6. Change the user's password if requested.
  7. Assign a badge to a user by 'approving' them for a badge.
  8. Add or remove 'Best Match' tags and change the public/private settings.

Learn how to adapt the code used for activity and member descriptions to ensure that all users can access the content in the right language.

If your platform is dual language, content in profiles should be labelled so screen readers know which language to detect before reading.

This has to be done in the code view of the content editors by an admin.

For example:

English content


English content

Welsh content


Welsh content

Next page: Member approval

Get in touch

Would you like to save your progress?

Note: Saving as a draft means your activity will be available for you to edit in your dashboard.​

Selecting delete marks your activity as deleted in your dashboard.​

Please sign in or register

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Sign in to apply your Best Match preferences. Then, click this button to view the activities that match your preferences.

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