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Add a sub-homepage

See the options with creating a sub-homepage for a topic or area and how to get started.

A sub-homepage is a unique area within your community platform, dedicated to content around a specific area. Sub-homepages can be used to guide or funnel members and browsers towards a landing page for a variety of things. Examples of sub-homepages include:

  • local timebanks set up within a county-wide timebank
  • platform partners micro-site, promoting what they do and linking to their members & activities
  • short-term 'updates' hub for a community fundraiser
  • niche resource centres combining information pages and activities

A sub-homepage has a main 'parent' page with a header, links to social media and space for content, added in 'segments' as created on landing pages.

The sub-homepage can then have its own unique menu of pages. These are called 'child pages'. Each child page can be designed using the page layout options explained here.

Add a new page

  1. Sign into your platform.
  2. Type /CMS after the platform URL.
  3. Use the left-hand menu to select 'Page management'.
  4. Create a 'new page'.
  5. Select 'sub-homepage' layout and save.

Set up a sub-homepage 'parent' page


  1. Your logo will need to be approx 300px x 150px.
  2. Add a background image with dimensions of 1400px x 500px.
  3. Add an optional button on the top header, linking to something else.
  4. Open the 'more options' dropdown to give background to text and to embed a video.
  5. Save.


  1. Change the URL of your sub-homepage (a short URL works well).
  2. Change the status of the page from 'draft' to 'live'.

Child page menu*

  1. Organise the order of your child pages.
  2. Delete a child page with the cross.
  3. Edit a child page with the pencil.
  4. View the child page with the eye.

*Create child pages first to have full options here

Social links

  1. Add the full URL to your social media pages.
  2. You will not be able to use handles (eg. @yourgroup), copy the URL for the profile.

Add parent page content

  1. Use the 'add segment' button.
  2. Add your overview content to the parent page.
  3. Refer to the 'add page' guide for detailed help.

Watch this video to see how to add child pages to a sub-homepage.

  1. Sign into your platform.
  2. Type /CMS after the platform URL.
  3. Use the left-hand menu to select 'Page management'.
  4. Add a new page and assign the parent.
  5. Choose the page layout.
  6. Design your content.
  7. Mark the page as 'live'.

There are a couple of ways to create a child page:

  • From your sub-homepage, use the 'child page menu' link and then 'add a child page'.


  • From the menu, locate 'pages' and use the 'add new page'. Assign the parent page from the drop down menu.
You can also nest child pages together under a heading to create a dropdown menu on your sub-homepage.

Step 1:

  • Add a new page and assign the parent.
  • Choose the page layout "Heading for section in sub-homepage"

Step 2:

  • Under child pages use the "Add child page" link.
  • Add the child page title and select the parent (this time choose the heading you created in step 1).
  • Choose the page layout.
  • Design your content.
  • Mark the page as 'live'.

Live or draft?

Make sure to check your page settings when creating or editing a page.

If a page is 'Draft', only signed in admins will be able to see it.

If a 'Draft' page is linked to a menu, users will see a broken link page.

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Note: Saving as a draft means your activity will be available for you to edit in your dashboard.​

Selecting delete marks your activity as deleted in your dashboard.​

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